Rich Mitchell


“On all the occasions I’ve worked with Rich Mitchell he has over delivered.  Intelligent, focused, collaborative, Rich solves any situation that arises – however unexpected or challenging.  Whether working with a very tight brief or filming in an environment requiring flexible, decisions so as to react quickly to changing conditions, his approach, experience and level headedness make him a true professional.”

Charlie Watson.  Producer & MD Packhorse CDir Tantrum

I’ve been making films professionally for over 20 years. I love photography, storytelling and getting the most from every variety of contributor. I’m happy to get involved at any point in the creative process: I’ve worked with next to no brief “shooting from the hip”, to realising precise storyboards and scripts for promos, idents and commercials.

I shoot, direct and edit. I jump at the chance to combine my experience in all these areas.

I’ve got industry standard camera kit and lenses (Sony FX6 and FX3 as A and B-Cam) and a lighting package that can creatively illuminate interviews and more complex set-ups. I also have a Mavic 2 Pro Drone and DJI RS2 PRO gimble, to add instant production value to any shoot.

I also shoot 360/VR films which can be found on my website

By hiring me, my kit and years of experience my ambition is to give you a great film and more bang for your budget.

Please visit for a showcase of recent and favourite work

Neutrogena, Palantir and Walkers/PepsiCo films in my Vimeo showcase above were all shot, directed and edited by myself with my camera and lighting kit

Please download my CV here: Rich Mitchell CV

Watch my current showreel here: Rich Mitchell – Shooting Director

“Rich Mitchell is a hugely talented DOP and filmmaker, who I’ve worked with on documentaries all over the world, including in Cambodia, Pakistan, Seychelles, Armenia and Brazil. He is dedicated and hardworking, shoots beautifully, and most importantly, he is a cool head under pressure. He is also great with contributors, and helps create a relaxed atmosphere when filming.”

Harri Grace – Director/Producer
Grain Media (Academy Award Winners for “Virunga”)


Rich Mitchell – Shooting Director Showreel
This is all work I have shot and directed

DoP Reel
Photography reel

Neutrogena – Jan’s Story
#director #dop #edit
Multiple deliverables across social media platforms
Universal McCann
The Ballad of Shirley Collins – Theatrical Trailer
Theatrical release – In competition at LFF
Fifth Column Films

Palantir – Recruitment
#director #DoP #edit

Country Life – Scrumping
#director #dop #edit
Multiple deliverables across social media platforms – 1 of  4 spots I directed
Universal McCann

The Cure – The Good Doctor
#DV-Director #DoP
Al Jazeera English
Production Company:
Grain Media
Boxing Means Everything to Them
Al Jazeera English
Production Company:
Grain Media
Listerine – DEAN & STEF
#director #DoP #edit
Universal McCann

BBC iWonder – D-Day – Gen. Sir Richard Dannatt – HMS Belfast
#director #DoP
1 of 4 spots I shot and directed in this series
Production Company:

The Cure – 3D Printed Prosthetics
#director #DoP
Al Jazeera English
Production Company:
Grain Media

Inside No. 9 – Behind the Scenes
#ShootingPD #edit
Production Company:
BBC Comedy


Over 20 years as a professional filmmaker

Director/Editor/DoP or any combination of the three

Worked across genre but with a particular focus on documentary, branded content and TVCs

I love working with and getting the most from actors, presenters and all kinds of contributors

Over 20 years of experience editing both online and offline – everything from 10 second idents to feature films

Content for brands, indie, music videos, broadcast TV, cinema, behind-the-scenes, TVCs and idents


BBC – C4 – ITV – C5 – Al Jazeera – Viasat – Freeview – Sky – Samsung – Inside No.9 BTS – Country Life – Palantir – FSCS – Nutrogena – Boy in the Dress BTS – Musto – Walkers – Pepsico – Budweiser Brewing Group – DCMS – Canon – Rexona – Nicorette – McDonalds – Rimmel – Foot Locker – Listerine – Greenpeace – O2 – Barclays – Trivago – Microsoft – Just Eat

“Rich is someone you can always rely upon to deliver at the highest standard as director or cinematographer and a super nice guy and collaborator to work or travel with.”

Stuart Wrigglesworth – MD/Producer at Tantrum Productions


DoP for “The Ballad of Shirley Collins” which premiered and was in competition at London Film FestivalThe Guardian described as having “liquid cinematography”.

The Ballad of Shirley Collins – Fifth Column Films

“Way of the Morris” cinema release documentary with wide critical acclaim – Time Out described as having “gorgeous, bucolic photography”In competition at SXSW.

Way of the Morris – Fifth Column Films

British Arrow Silver and Bronze awards for directing VIASAT idents and promos

Directed and edited online campaign for the FSCS with Universal McCann, which was their most successful to date

Shooting Director for Al Jazeera series The Cure and “3D Printed Arms” shot in Brazil with Grain Media – one of their most popular stories of the season

Foriegn Press Nomination for Al Jazeera series The Cure and “Tackling Drug Resistant Tuberculosis” that I shot in Armenia for Grain Media with Director Harri Grace

I shot, directed and edited a stereoscopic/3D 360/VR music video for British D&B artist Harry Shotta, incorporating many emerging 360 and VR technologies – I was invited to speak at Develop:Brighton about this project

From the vaults:

‘Oh Simone’ – Winner of Worldfest Best Dramatic Short

‘The Fence’ – Nominated for Best Cinematography at Short Ends Film Festival

‘Slaphappy’ – Winner 15 Second Film Festival

‘Domestics’ – Offical Selection for Edinburgh Film Festival

“100 Years of Fashion / Westfield” was No.2 in The Guardians “Best Virals of the Year”

Soho Shorts nominated for “Best Broadcast Design” for “Conrad: Freerange”

“I’ve worked with Rich for over 10 years on a wide range of projects: from SFX shots for Jeff Wayne’s immersive theatre production of “War of the Worlds” to high end corporate films for clients such as Ford and Palantir. He has a great mix of experience, technical knowledge and creative ideas that always adds value to a project.”

Tara Watney – Senior Producer


Shooting with full crew on location or on soundstage

Shooting with small crews or as a one-man-band Shooting Director

Experienced in packing effective portable kits, with redundancy, ready to shoot anywhere in the world

Expert editor – online and offline

Life long passion for technology – Early adopter and pioneer of techniques and workflows in digital formats from SD to 4k to 360/VR and Stereo/3D

Focus on Visual Story Telling technique throughout production

Teaching Cinematography, 360/VR, Visual Storytelling and Directing at NFTS, Central Film School and London College of Communication

Shooting Kit

Sony FX6 Fullframe Camera

Sony FX3 Fullframe Camera (for B-Cam and Gimble)

Sigma 14-24mm f2.8
Sigma 24-70mm f2.8
Sony 70-200mm f2.8
Sony 200-600mm f4
Sigma 35mm f1.2
Sigma 105mm f2.8 Macro

DJI Ronin RS2 Pro Camera Gimble

DJI Mavic Pro 2 Drone

Sony UWP-D Digital Radio Mic System capable of 2xLapelier Mics or 1xLapielier and 1xShotgun Mic

Rhode Shotgun Mic

Senniheiser Shotgun Mic

Tascam Field Recorder

Manfrotto HD406 Tripod
Short and Tall legs

Insta360 One X2 and accessories


Apurture 600d II (Equivalent of at least a 1.2k HMI) + Fresnel + Barndoors

Apurture 300x Bi-Colour 2000k – 65000k (Equivalent of a 575k HMI) + Fresnel + Barndoors

Apurture Nova 300c RGBWW Full Spectrum Panel Light (RGB Equivalent of Arri Skypanel) + Softbox + Barndoors

Apaurture 60x Bi-Colour 2000k – 65000k (Dedo LED Equivalent) + Barndoors

2 x FalconEyes RX-18TDX II 100W Bi-Color Waterproof IPX8 Roll-Flex Flexible LED Panel + Softbox + Grid

FalconEyes PockeLite F7 Fold RGB 24W 2500K-9000K Led Video Camera Light 9 inch + Grid

Lightdome II

Lantern 90

Appropriate Stands and Distribution

Post-Production Kit

Gigabyte Aero 32gig Core i7 9th gen Editing Laptop with Adobe Suite

Intel i9 3.7Ghz RTX3090 based post-production Workstation

Adobe Suite – Red Giant Plugins – Boris FX Plugins – DaVinci Resolve – Autocad Suite

ASUS 32″ 4k HDR Grading monitor

Sony 48″ 4k HDR Playback Monitor

24tb NAS Drive


Please contact me if you are interested in hiring any of my kit!